kyunki .....

" taro dushman tu che " - a gujrati saying. here is why :

Kyunki saas bhi ….

Their son was reputed in the entire family as being the most obedient of the lot ! they said he never did anything without asking his mother .. even playing football in college was affirmed by his Mummy .. and now he had done this to her !!

One fine morning he had disclosed that he loved a girl and wanted to marry her : with or without consent. She and Mr.Shridhar ( his father) had to accept. And then he brought Shruti home. She was beautiful ( like the fair and lovely girl :as Mrs.Joshi called her ) with long wavy hair and a ringing laughter that filled their home.. a laughter that reverberated in Shri and Sonu ( her son Swaruup ) as an effect. Had she not loved them enough all these years that they had so quickly taken in to her !?

Today she had taken a CL at work .. she was not feeling well. My god ! she will now interfere in my work the whole day. Trying to help .. may I cut the vegetables for you .. and her insolence that she prepare the lunch … so can I have a day off .. is she my boss to give me a day off !

Shruti was bored. So she decided to clean the cabinet in the storage corner they called mahal . it was a small house wasn’t it ? But Shruti loved it anyways ! ..

“See Shruti was cleaning our cabinet today… Shri are you listening .. that was our cabinet.. our .. remember the day when you had my painting done and your mother came.. we had hid it in the mahal.. how dare she intrude upon our space Shri ..are you listening?”.. .”yes I am listening Sulu ( her name was Sulochna btw ) but she is new to the house.. she does not know .. and remember it is her home too.. let her explore and develop a belongingness !” “ Shri .. you do not understand .. these girls of today do not care about such things..all they want is a lifestyle … belongingness etc does not exist in their vocabulary”… “Sulu stop being a paranoid.. she is not taking your son away from you ! “

“ Papa Shru was telling me that you have some shares of Reliance in physical form.. why don’t we dematerialize them ? post the spilt they must me worth quite a bit ! “ “ I do not understand this new system..why do you not transfer them to your name and do whatever you deem right “ “ Ok Papa we will see .. Shru please get the transfer forms from your office ( Shru worked with a top Corporate law firm ) …” “ sambhdo cho ! even mummy has some UTI Mastergain as a sole holder.. why don’t we redeem them and put them in some new fund ..”

“ see I told you Shri.. belongingness … she explored our mahali and see the outcome.. she spotted what she wanted .. shares… these girls care only about money.. you listen I will NOT sign anything…nor am I going to transfer anything .. and nor will you .. are you listening Shri ? “ “ Sulu the systems have changed.. the kids know more than us .. and what Sonu said was correct.. and what is wrong in transferring to their names .. they are our children Sulu .. have faith “ “ you keep your faith … it has no meaning to these children .. and I do not trust that girl .. not even Sonu now ! “ Some day Sulu you will realize that you were wrong …sometimes you realize that keeping the faith is an easier thing to do .. and the right thing ,too !“

“mummy I brought the transfer deed from my office .. I will mark where you have to sign”

“ I know where to sign .. I can read the form .. that is IF I want to sign ! “ came the reply. And the matter was not discussed thereafter.

Six months passed … Sulu had to admit that Shruti had breezed in a freshness and happiness in the home .. and Shri also was very happy .. never before since he had retired was Shri so much involved in different activities … his resignation from life after his premature retirement ( as the textile sector collapsed , leaving many in Mumbai ..even in mamagerial posts ..jobless) had changed into a new zeal .. because Shruti in her stupid ways had everybody by their hearts .. Sonu and now Shri… ! Sulu’s instincts told her that it was all a part of the design.. to take away those shares ( did not their neighbor Mr.Ganatra who was in the stock business mention that the Reliance shares were now worth a fortune )

“ it is like a dream .. am I dreaming “ Sulu thought. “It cannot be!! . how could I be so wrong .. I always thought that I was an expert in judging people .. this time I was wrong and Shri with his naive faith was right ! “ “but if it was defeat, she prayed to God for million such defeats ! “

That day was their 30th marriage anniversary. Sonu and Shruti decided that they go on a long drive and then have lunch outside. “ these kids just want long drives and expensive lunches “ thought Sulu. And the drive was quite long… they stopped only when they reached nearby Dahnu. And it stood there. In its live munificence .. a small bunglow named Madhooli.. .with a courtyard and China roses.. just as Shri had painted it … her imagination translated into watercolours ! and now into bricks and marble. But how did they.. ( Sonu and Shruti ) …. And why did we not know ?

“ that day when I was cleaning the corner I found this beautiful painting made by Papa.. and I found the letter in which Papa promised you this bunglow .. was it not on your 5th anniversary ? “ so Sonu and I decided that we make Papa’s promise come true “ .. “ but beta how did you manage the finance “, Shri. “ oh ! I took a loan, we were some short so Shruti took a loan “ …( Sulu knew that the reliance shares could have helped.. but knowing Shruti she knew that they would not have even thought of it as a possible source of finance )

And so dudes .. keep the faith .. you never know that the one you are passing a judgment on is the one who loves you the most !



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