of Smiles and Sunshine
Of Smiles and Sunshine ! Life gave me a very weird opportunity. An opportunity to work with the chronically ill children who suffer at very tender ages from chronic problems like leukemia and others. How does it feel to spend lives in the hospital wards, lives where at the ages of 3-4 years going home is a vacation. Life reminds them continuously that they are different, so the last thing that they want is us to do is to remind them that by telling them or worse by giving them the so called special attention they do not need. Let us take the case of a beautiful, angelic little girl of 6 years I will call Snow White ( actual name obviously suppressed) Snow White because she was kept in sleep by medication for almost the whole day so that she does not hurt herself. This little one suffered from a medium stage leukemia and was treated in one of the most reputed hospitals in Mumbai. She had a problem of hurting herself and others. She would bite people who came near her. She would bang her...